
Codex >> Bestiary >> Nightmares

Nightmares are the stuff of horror: sickening, twisted beasts that have no place in the waking world.
Albino gibberling

Albino gibberling

The skin of this foul creature bubbles and froths, almost as if something is trying to get out. As it gambols toward you, it whispers to itself in some language that is simultaneously foreign and familiar; you feel like you can almost make out the words.
Ash grue

Ash grue

Smoldering with heat, this aberrant creature seems to warp and shift as you gaze upon it.
Ematl seed

Cultist seed

Somehow, Ematl stands before you again - or some version of him, standing like his shape had been cut right out of the Real.
Nightmarish earthwarden hand

Dreadwarden's claw

Larger than its brethren, lines of energy ripple outward from this creature to each of the smaller spawn.
Nightmarish earthwarden spawn

Dreadwarden's spawn

Strange mirrors of the Earthwarden's spawn, these ripple with the same warped colors you've seen marking the earth where Nightmare has intruded upon the Real back in the Known Lands of the Conclave.


A rough network of exposed tendons graft one of the too-familiar Nightmarish eyes to the scrabbling body of a fleshstrider.
Nightmarish scion

Flamewreath scion

Blackened, gnarled limbs reach out from these eerie trees.


Little more than a mass of scrabbling, crazed legs.


At first glance this is nothing more than a common gibberling - but then it turns, and you see the gaping maw of a grue where the head should be.


The skin of this foul creature bubbles and froths, almost as if something is trying to get out. As it gambols toward you, it whispers to itself in some language that is simultaneously foreign and familiar; you feel like you can almost make out the words.
Floating eye

Harrowing eye

Strange energies leak from cracks and wounds covering the carapace of this huge, disembodied eye, and the air in front of its wide blue iris crackles with suddenly-forming ice and snow.
Hoar grue

Hoar grue

This aberration is so cold that as it moves through the air, water in the atmosphere flash-freezes around it, so that it walks with the constant tinkle of cracking ice.
Distended eye

Hypnotic eye

The carapace of this enormous eye pulses and bulges, its bulk turgid, like an overripe fruit ready to burst.


The maggot-like body of this creature pulses and ripples - then the ground does the same, and the creature plunges into it, only to emerge at your feet.

Myiasite spawner

The maggot-like body of this creature pulses and ripples - then the ground does the same, and the creature plunges into it, only to emerge at your feet.
Cultist seed

New seed

It seems the Seed's power did not die, but instead has spread to new hosts among the Still-Dreaming.
Seed resurgent

Reemergent seed

Light and air warp around this coruscating form, a being in the shape of the Dreamcaller.

Seed of nightmare

Light and air warp around this coruscating form, a being in the shape of the Dreamcaller.

Seed shard

Light and air warp around this coruscating form, a being in the shape of the Dreamcaller.
Nightmare eye

Unblinking eye

Floating, lidless eyes that are like nothing native to the world. They come in as many types as kin have nightmares. Each can project a magical effect such as paralysis or fear with its gaze.

Will burrower

A gibberling head adorns the front of this myiasite, muttering madly to itself as the worm twists and coils.